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What can’t you do from what the bees produces.

When I was little I had a candle made from bees wax. Only one. But oh, how I liked that candle. It twirled around the candlewick in such a twirly way. I liked that. Unfortunately it melted away as we lit it and enjoyed the smell and the sight of the beautiful yellow flame. And then I forgot about it. Life went by, and suddenly I had my own family with kids of my own. The daily rut cut into life and everything went…grown up, whatever that is. And then came along these beautiful beecups.  And I suddelny felt so inspired. Yezzz. Happiness in a little (bee)bowl!

Keep an eye out for what’s happening on the design scene in South America. A true design mekka.  The Chilean designer Mariana Tocornal use bees wax to mold different objet d’art. Check this bee cup out

Here’s Mariana Tocornal

And if you want to check out her other products, click the picture below. Enjoy!