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The Chick-a-Dee Smoke Detector.

Smoke detectors, oh how important, and oh it really save lives, but oh how…not nice it looks. It can look like this

Or like this

Or even like this


ZZZzzzzzzz…You get my drift, right? Not that you really see the smoke alarm up there in the ceiling. But you still sort of do. There is this…blorb in the middle of the ceiling quite annoying for a design freaks eye. Or maybe to a normal person too?

Therefore, without further ado I would like to introduce to you: The Chick-a-Dee Smoke Detector

Dutch designer Louise van der Veld is the smart brain behind this and  in 2007 she won first prize in the competition Moi uit de Brand. The smoke detector is now available in stores across The Netherlands and in various web shops. Just google it and you will find a store just for you. Or try this one

But seriously people, this cute bird come smoke detector will make you happy every time you happen to look at the ceiling. It is there, no matter what, why not make it memorable?