Designmekka Interior decorations

Old gets new. Old news?

There are the old style, old world coffee cups, jugs and jars. The ones that you are still tired of. Can’t even imagine liking and wanting. Still. There are of course the ones that have had a revival. There are definitely those. But that’s not what I am talking about. Look at the form of the items in the picture. tiresome. Old. Not ugly. Not at all. But it’s just that you can’t really see yourself owning it. Opening your cupboards and seeing it. Using it.

But then, ta daaa, came the Arabella Actiongraphs designed by Jarl Fernaeus and produced by Hackfors, Lidköpings Porslinsfabrik. And suddenly you really like that old, tired (who said it was tired, anyone?) form because of it’s new and cool design. Fernaeus got his inspiration for the pattern when he saw his twoyearold trying to paint.

Look again. Do you see the old form with its usual golden edge as old? Nahh, I thought so. There goes, an unusual pattern on an usual item makes a new item altogether.

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